
Solid Mechanics Tutor

Graduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2025

I was a tutor for an MSc level course on Solid Mechanics, lectured by Alain Goriely FRS. Topics covered included: nonlinear elasticity, shells and rods, constitutive laws and tensor calculus.

TA for Mathematical Mechanical Biology

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2024

I was a TA for an MSc level course on Mathematical Mechanical Biology, lectured by Derek Moulton. Topics covered included: the Mathematics of rods and shells, mathematical descriptions of growth, nonlinear elasticity and morphoelasticity.

Tutor for Pertubation methods

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2024

I was a tutor for an MSc level course on Perturbation Methods and asymptotic analysis, lectured by Prof. Ruth Baker. I was in charge of delivering problems classes for a group of students. Topics covered included: asymptotic approximation of integrals, matched asymptotic expansions (boundary layers), multiple scales and the WKB method.

TA for Viscous Flow

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2023

I was a TA for a 3rd year undergradute course on Viscous Flow. Topics covered included: the Navier-Stokes equations and the stress tensor, exact solutions, low Reynolds number flows and lubrication theory.

TA for Applied PDEs

Undergraduate and Graduate, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2023

TA for a large Applied PDEs course with both graduate and undergraduate students. Topics covered included: classification methods, reduction to canonical form, similarity solutions, shock formation and complex variable methods.