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Paper Title Number 4

Published in GitHub Journal of Bugs, 2024

This paper is about fixing template issue #693.

Recommended citation: Your Name, You. (2024). "Paper Title Number 3." GitHub Journal of Bugs. 1(3).
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How humans sense balance


Won the best poster award at Dynamic Days 2024, hosted by Constructor University in Bremen, Germany.


TA for Applied PDEs

Undergraduate and Graduate, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2023

TA for a large Applied PDEs course with both graduate and undergraduate students. Topics covered included: classification methods, reduction to canonical form, similarity solutions, shock formation and complex variable methods.

TA for Viscous Flow

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2023

I was a TA for a 3rd year undergradute course on Viscous Flow. Topics covered included: the Navier-Stokes equations and the stress tensor, exact solutions, low Reynolds number flows and lubrication theory.

Tutor for Pertubation methods

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2024

I was a tutor for an MSc level course on Perturbation Methods and asymptotic analysis, lectured by Prof. Ruth Baker. I was in charge of delivering problems classes for a group of students. Topics covered included: asymptotic approximation of integrals, matched asymptotic expansions (boundary layers), multiple scales and the WKB method.

TA for Mathematical Mechanical Biology

Undergraduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2024

I was a TA for an MSc level course on Mathematical Mechanical Biology, lectured by Derek Moulton. Topics covered included: the Mathematics of rods and shells, mathematical descriptions of growth, nonlinear elasticity and morphoelasticity.

Solid Mechanics Tutor

Graduate course, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2025

I was a tutor for an MSc level course on Solid Mechanics, lectured by Alain Goriely FRS. Topics covered included: nonlinear elasticity, shells and rods, constitutive laws and tensor calculus.